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雑誌名 医薬品情報学 Vol.23, No.3(2021)
表題 熊本地震で保険薬局にて応需した災害処方せんの分析
Analysis of Disaster Prescriptions Received at a Pharmacy after the Kumamoto Earthquake
著者名 穴見 江梨子、坂本 豊伸、磯尾 優子、德山 智治、塚本 賢児、興津 暁子、天方 奉子、稲葉 一郎、宮野 恭彰、木戸 宏幸、湯川 栄二
要旨 Objective:Soon after two massive earthquake in Kumamoto, Japan, on April 14 and 16, 2016, the Shirakawasuigen pharmacy located in the Minamiaso village received prescription for disaster medications. Since prescriptions for disaster medications are typically used at temporary emergency shelters, pharmacies usually do not receive requests for them. On checking the content of these prescriptions, we found numerous prescription errors and queries. This study aimed to assess issues with dispensing medications after disasters.
Methods:We reviewed all disaster medication prescriptions received by the pharmacy from April 20 to May 28, 2016 and the medication histories of these patients. We confirmed each patient's data and medical and medication histories. Furthermore, we classified disaster prescription errors and queries into five categories according to their content and summed them in each category.
Results:We obtained patient' medical and medication histories from 100(77.5%)of the 129 prescriptions received. Of the 129 prescriptions, a total of 158 prescription errors and queries pertaining to 96(74.4%)prescriptions were confirmed:88(55.7%)for unclear medication usage and dosages, 22(13.9%)for incorrect medication names, 34(21.5%)for pharmaceutical queries, 8(5.1%)for exceeding fixed prescription's days(within seven days), and 6(3.8%)for other issues.
Conclusion:Nearly 80% of the prescriptions for disaster medications had prescription errors and queries. Therefore, we evaluated that the prescription's format and entry method can be improved. Furthermore, to ensure a smooth drug supply and to reduce prescription entry deficiencies and formal prescription queries, pharmacists need to effectively manage disaster prescriptions.

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